Automatics • Water Wizard
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Wizard - 4000 Lazer wash - 2014
Posted: 08/05/2024
$6,000 Must be removed still hooked up
Product # 5004
- The thing barely looks like it's been used it's still hooked up but the water is not turned on.
- The unit inside is like brand new
- Need this removed ASAP the control board out front needs updated.
- Needs removed immediately that's part of the deal cheap and fast

Jim Coleman - Water Wizard 2.0 - 2009
Posted: 11/09/2021
$22,000 SOLD
Product # 2939
- Manufactured Dec 2009; installed 2010
- Removed Jan 26th and ready for pick up
- All parts completely checked out; functions working properly
- All 3 blowers work properly including center nozzle rotation
- Triple Foam
- Clear Coat
- Heated pre soak
- Rails/Guide Rails; complete Unit- No paystation
- approx wash 75-90k wash count